Der Score Wing ist weiter verbessert im Vergleich zum V1, der immer noch unübertroffen einer der besten Wings auf dem Markt ist.
Der Score führt mehrere neue Konzepte und Verbesserungen ein, das auf der umfangreichen Erfahrung basiert und ihn nahe an zur Perfektion bringt.
Die Score-Reihe verfügt über SUBSTANTIELLE Verbesserungen, mit Flügeln, die eine noch bessere Die Struktur wurde verbessert um ein noch besseres Profil zu haben, selbst bei Böen und unter extremen Bedingungen.
Weniger Kraftaufwand und mehr Aktionsfreiheit, dank der Stabilität und Effizienz der neuen Profile.
Und natürlich jetzt mit Fenster.
ENSIS Wings sind für Surferinnen und Surfer, die im Wingsurfen Grenzen verschieben wollen. Ihre eigenen und die der Physik.
ENSIS Wings performen bei Minimalwind wie bei Sturm genau gleich: mit perfekter Flugstabilität, viel Power und maximalem Vortrieb.
ENSIS Wings machen einfach Spass - ganz gleich ob auf dem SUP Board oder mit dem Hydrofoil. Dank ihrem einfachen Handling übrigens schon beim Aufbau.
Du wirst schneller aufs Wasser kommen, länger Spass haben, einfacher lernen und besser Wingsurfen.
Für erste Versuche bis zum Pro
Der Wing fliegt extrem stabil, ist leicht in der Hand und hat unglaubliche Power und Vortrieb zum Starten, Aufkreuzen und Springen. Ideal für alle, vom ersten Entdecken bis zur Profi-Level.
Maximale Performance bei allen Windstärken
Das einzigartige Design ermöglicht diese perfekte Kombination aus Stabilität, Power und Vortrieb. Ideal für Leichtwind bis zur Sturmböe.
Das Segeltuch ist auch ohne Winddruck gespannt, so dass Flattern reduziert und eine maximale Kontrolle garantiert ist.
Für Freeride, Wave und Freestyle
Enormer Vortrieb, gut kontrollierbare Power und perfekte Stabilität - diese Eigenschaften sind kombiniert mit einfachem Handling und garantieren so maximalen Spass beim Freeriden, Wellen reiten und Freestylen.
Perfekt platzierte Griffe
Die 4 Griffe sind genau da, wo sie sein müssen. 3 breite Griffe für das perfekte Platzieren der Hände und einen schmalen Griff in der Strut-Mitte für die Trapeztampen. Für alle Windsurfer, die nicht auf einen Gabelbaum verzichten wollen: Dank der Öse am Strut-Ende kann ein Boom einfach montiert werden.
Höchste Materialqualität, präzise Verarbeitung
Bei jedem verarbeiteten Stück wurde auf höchste Qualität geachtet. Der Wing ist extrem robust und leicht.
Kleines Paket zum einfach Mitnehmen
Der Wing kann sehr klein zusammengefaltet und einfach im Bag getragen werden.
smooth take off, easy handling, direct power
The ENSIS SCORE with rigid handles impresses with its easy handling and direct power. The perfect combination of stability, power and forward drive will get you flying before you know it. The wing is perfectly balanced and feels light in your hands. The stiff frame and high canopy tension provide great power even in very light winds and excellent stability in stormy conditions. The rigid handles, using the ENSIS Click Fix mounting system, are perfectly positioned on the strut and offer a comfortable and ergonomic grip for direct steering. You will be amazed at how easy and effortless the SCORE with rigid handles performs when flying and practicing your moves. Be ready for long sessions! For discoverers to the pro.
SCORE 2.8, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.2, 6.2, 6.9
Ergonomic rigid handles
The rigid handles are perfectly positioned on the strut and offer firm and ergonomic grip for direct steering and extended sessions. The rounded corners spare your equipment. The innovative ENSIS Click Fix mounting system offers the perfect option for flying with a harness.
Smart backpack
This high quality backpack offers many features: ergonomic back part and shoulder straps for comfortable carrying, large zip opening for easy packing, large side pockets, and more.
SIZES: 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 5.5 | 6.0 | 6.5 | 7.5
Designed to “check all of the boxes” in terms of performance, features, and range, the future of winging is here with the Wing-Surfer MK4. This fourth-generation Wing-Surfer combines the perfect balance of low-end power, rigidity, and twist for optimum sheet-in-and-go power and speed. An increased diameter leading edge and strut adds to the MK4’s stiffness, resulting in great stability and power. The Wing-Surfer MK4 has three long and ergonomic control handles for added comfort and control as well as an added ‘power handle’ for sheeting in hard and jumping. Smaller windows have reduced the Wing-Surfer’s overall weight with zero compromises in visibility. For those who are in search of the best combo of get-up-and-go power, a wide wind range, insane top speed, and unmatched jumping ability, the Wing-Surfer MK4 is the wing you can’t live without.
SIZES: 3 | 4 | 5
The Matador LT takes the Wingsurfer Matador and makes it even leaner and meaner. With the same basic outline, shape, and overall structure of the Matador, the Matador LT remains a powerful and stable wing. But sometimes less is more. For an even lighter overall weight, the Matador LT comes with a window-free canopy and with no removable Y-Handles. Strut shape and diameter have been modified to provide even tighter canopy tension and an additional boost in overall power. Where the Matador has five individual strut handles, two in the front and three in the back, the LT has only three - wide ergonomic grab handles. If you want all the power and stability, but with the minimum swing weight possible for flagging on bumps, swells, and waves, the Matador LT does more with less!
Windowless Version
3 Wide Ergonomic Handles
Deep locked in draft for instant power
Optimized dihedral for luffing and flagging
Neoprene “knuckle guard” under center grab handles
Inflated Structure - no hard surfaces or hardware
Packs up small
Drawstring bag with pump storage feature
2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7
Dihedrale V-Form mit aufblasbarer Leading Edge, starkem Profil und "Ultra rigid double strut"
Ultra-effizienter, stabiler, kraftvoller Wing – kompatibel mit verschiedensten Boards
NEU: Ergonomische, breite Griffanordnung für präzises trimmen
NEU: Erhöhter zentraler Leading-Edge-Durchmesser mit lastverteilendem Mittelbereich für erhöhte Stabilität und stärkere Tuchspannung
NEU: Verbessertes Lowend
NEU: HD-Schließnaht-Konstruktion an Bereichen mit erhöhtem Durchmesser
NEU: Verbesserte Balance, lineare Kraftentfaltung und Upwind-Drive
NEU: Ultra-steife, ausgestellte Double-Strut für maximalen Tragflächen-Support und erhöhte Rückmeldung
NEU: Radiales Tuch-Layout für direkte Rückmeldung und mehr Stabilität
Leading Edge aus High Tenacity Dacron
Kevlar-Verstärkungen an den Wingtips
Befestigungspunkt für Trapeztampen
Inklusive Safety-Leash fürs Handgelenk
Die dritte Generation des Crosswing setzt neue Maßstäbe in Sachen Effizienz und Power-on-Demand! Bei unserem bisher leistungsstärksten und reaktivsten Cabrinha-Wing hat unser R&D-Team viel Feinarbeit ins Profil und die neue, radiale Canopy gesteckt. Der erhöhte Durchmesser der Leading Edge mit einem zentralen, lastverteilenden Konstruktionsbereich bietet einen außerordentlich starken Rahmen, der von der innovativen Doppel-Strut des X3 noch verstärkt wird. Durch die strategische Platzierung von Fenstern ist stets eine umfangreiche Sicht garantiert. Egal, ob du dich in neue Sphären boosten oder einfach nur gemütlich cruisen willst – mit den Highend-Features des X3 bist du klar im Vorteil.
Get ready for the EVOlution! You can finally get your hands on this new jewel. The Evo Wing has all the features that you simply will not be able to do without.
A magical freeride / freestyle wing for all levels from novice to expert. Our World Cup riders appreciate it for its incredible maneuverability, stable power, speed, acceleration and precision. Novice riders will get addicted instantly for its incredible accessibility and lightness. The Evo Wing is completely functional and purposefully designed to provide you with an overall experience. 2 color combinations, orange and grey and specific sizes to cover more various needs and suit any conditions.The new long and wide handles will make you fall in love with the ease of use in maneuvers. We’ve separated the leading edge and strut bodies using a double inflate system which is 2 times quicker to deflate/inflate and optimizes the stiffness of the whole body. The arrow outline of the EVO cuts the wind in pace, allowing a faster and better cross and upwind ride and with the new large windows you will have ample visibility.The new EVO WING takes you to a new dimension of riding.
Double Inflating / deflating system -> 2 times quicker to inflate/deflate and optimal stiffness of the whole body by separating the leading edge and strut.
Arrow head outline -> enhanced handling and stability.
3 long handles -> easier in maneuvers.
Wide Windows -> wide visibility.
New light safety leash with neoprene wrist band.
Delivered in a comfortable and user friendly cylindrical backpack.
maximum power, top speed, easy manoeuvres
ENSIS wings are known for their high performance. The SCORE Limited Edition will simply blow you off your feet with its power, speed and yet easy manoeuvrability. The pure bliss, when you fly at full speed over the water and a jump catapults you far into the sky. The X-PLY canopy material combined with the Hookipa fabric used for the leading edge allows an ultra-stiff profile resulting in instant power. The perfectly placed innovative, rigid handles add to the high responsiveness and direct steering. And yet, the SCORE Limited Edition feels light and balanced in your hand while flying. When racing with friends or competing for medals in course races, the radical upwind and downwind angles and the big wind range will thrill you. The ENSIS SCORE Limited Edition is for any ambitious rider who wants to feel pure performance and the highest quality.
SCORE Limited Edition 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.2, 6.2, 6.9Freeride, Race & Wave
SIZES: 2M / 2.5M / 3M / 3.5M / 4M / 4.5M / 5M / 6M / 7M / 8M
Vision is a word that can mean multiple things. It could be said that it relates to the increased range of sight that was incorporated into this new wing through strategic window placement, or its new outlines, or it could mean the act of foresight to see where this incredible sport is going, and to create a product for the next generation of wing foilers. How ever you take it, the new Cabrinha Vision is the next generation wing from the Cab Design Works Team.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
High Tenacity dacron for enhanced dihedral stability and improved handling characteristics
HD large diameter UHMPWE reinforced closing seam construction
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Durable TPU bumpers
NEW: Handles - Fully moulded composite widespan handles
Hi-vis, Weather resistant, low elongation TPU window
Load path panel layout
High reactive front handle
high rigidity centre section stitching design
Lightweight TPU bladders
NEW: fine tuned size progressive wing tip twist for forgiving sheeting
NEW: high dihedral for great upwind stability, reactive handling and a balanced flex
NEW:full airfoil centre section for low end power
New: Convex strut for added rigidity
NEW: Dump valve for fast deflate
An incredibly light construction and feeling make the brand-new Poison the perfect choice for wave and swell wingfoiling as well as riding in extremely low winds. Nevertheless, it’s very stable and easy to handle in higher winds due to the redesigned struts and handle positions, which allows you to get out and wingfoil in all kinds of conditions. The lightness paired with new strut positioning, outline and shaping increase the Poison’s flagging potential so that you can focus on the swell, you are wingsurfing. If you are looking for an outstandingly light feeling and low-end performance, the Poison is your wing of choice!
Der 2024 Unit ist der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus und bietet ein ganz neues Level an Fahrkomfort, verbessertem Strömungsabriss und neue Features, die man nicht mehr missen möchte.
Der Duotone Unit war bereits in den letzten Jahren wegweisend in Sachen Wing Design. Viele unserer Konkurrenten haben versucht, die Leistung und das Handling zu kopieren, aber mit seiner Kombination aus Design, Technologie und Materialien ist unser Unit noch immer die Benchmark am Wing Markt.
Neu beim 24er Modell ist der längere Frontgriff aus Carbon, der einhändiges Fahren ermöglicht, ein angewinkelter Strut, der den Fahrkomfort erhöht, und die Optimierungen an der Outline, der Verstrebungen und der Kappenspannung, wodurch die Leistungsfähigkeit und der Strömungsabriss nochmals optimiert wurden.
Unser Designer Ken Winner konnte zudem die Winkel der Struts im Griffbereich verbessern, wodurch eine natürlichere Fahrposition gegeben ist. Der hintere Arm kann gerader positioniert werden und wird nicht ständig nach innen gezogen, was sich besonders beim Toe Side Foilen bemerkbar macht.
Der neue deutlich längere Frontgriff aus Carbon ermöglicht es dem Fahrer die vordere Hand weiter hinten zu positionieren und den Wing minutenlang einhändig zu fliegen. Ein Vorteil, der die Türen zu neuen Tricks öffnet und ein Maß an Fahrkomfort bietet, welches man nicht mehr missen möchte.
Der 2024 Unit ist der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus und bietet ein ganz neues Level an Fahrkomfort, verbessertem Strömungsabriss und neue Features, die man nicht mehr missen möchte.
Der Duotone Unit war bereits in den letzten Jahren wegweisend in Sachen Wing Design. Viele unserer Konkurrenten haben versucht, die Leistung und das Handling zu kopieren, aber mit seiner Kombination aus Design, Technologie und Materialien ist unser Unit noch immer die Benchmark am Wing Markt.
Neu beim 24er Modell ist der längere Frontgriff aus Carbon, der einhändiges Fahren ermöglicht, ein angewinkelter Strut, der den Fahrkomfort erhöht, und die Optimierungen an der Outline, der Verstrebungen und der Kappenspannung, wodurch die Leistungsfähigkeit und der Strömungsabriss nochmals optimiert wurden.
Unser Designer Ken Winner konnte zudem die Winkel der Struts im Griffbereich verbessern, wodurch eine natürlichere Fahrposition gegeben ist. Der hintere Arm kann gerader positioniert werden und wird nicht ständig nach innen gezogen, was sich besonders beim Toe Side Foilen bemerkbar macht.
Der neue deutlich längere Frontgriff aus Carbon ermöglicht es dem Fahrer die vordere Hand weiter hinten zu positionieren und den Wing minutenlang einhändig zu fliegen. Ein Vorteil, der die Türen zu neuen Tricks öffnet und ein Maß an Fahrkomfort bietet, welches man nicht mehr missen möchte.
Durch die weiteren Verfeinerungen an der Outline und der Krümmung sowie dem Twist und der Spannung der MOD3 Kappe, ist der neue Unit präziser und stabiler, wenn er einmal eingeflogen ist und zeigt auf der Welle ein neutraleres Drift-Verhalten.
Egal ob du auf müheloses Carven oder Turns in der Brandung stehst, Big Airs mit solider Hangtime boosten willst oder einfach nur mit viel Auftrieb und Power geradeaus cruisen möchtest: Der Unit 2024 glänzt nicht nur mit seinem Namen, sondern auch durch seine herausragende Performance und sein ausgezeichnetes Handling!
For high-speed performance, efficiency is key. The Mode, our new high-speed performance wing, incorporates N-Weave woven fibre technology, 3x stiffer and 40% lighter than traditional leading-edge materials, for the most efficient power delivery on the market. N-Weave reduces structural deflection and transfers wind energy into greater forward speed, explosive boost and hangtime for freestyle tricks. Development of this new material technology has allowed us to create a stiffer, lighter and more durable wing without geometric compromise (and without the high-performance price tag). The Mode has a fast, VMG-optimized design, which lets you sail closer to the wind, on higher upwind angles, and reduces your need to tack or gybe, so you reach the mark as quickly as possible. We designed the Mode primarily for high-speed performance, but the stiffer airframe also translates into unprecedented loft for higher jumps and forward momentum on landings. With incredible high-end stability, the 4.2 and 5.5m are ideal for use in stronger winds, while the 7m is optimised for greater power in lighter air. The wing has a balanced lower aspect ratio with rounded wingtips to reduce tip strike, and the new panel layout delivers wingtip stability and increased tension under load. Featuring rigid GripLock micro-trim control handles for immediate response, and new race-window positioning to help you keep a close eye on your opponents.INCLUDESWing, Wing Leash, Bag, Compression Strap, Repair Kit
3x Stiffer
40% Lighter
VMG-Optimised Design
Freestyle and Freeride Performance
High end stability and impressive wind range
New panel layout
Compact outline with reduced wingspan
Dual inflation valves
Rigid GripLock handles
Gybe-friendly window positioning
N-Weave Technology
S26 Wing-Surfer:
The Naish Wing-Surfer took the world by storm with its introduction in 2019, launching the sport of Wingsurfing into what is now the fastest-growing water sport in the world. The S25 Wing-Surfer took the basic concept to the next level by adding more sizes, better visibility, and improved performance. This season’s all-new Wing-Surfer MK3 is packed with design features that will carry this rapidly evolving sport well into the future.
We started with the basic outline, refining the leading edge curve of each size
wing to maximize drive, balance, and stability in its given wind range. Panel count has been reduced for lighter weight, yet not overly simplified, ensuring that optimum foil shape is retained. Leading edge diameters have been increased in the center of the wing to provide a substantially more rigid airframe, without appearing cartoonishly
large as seen on some other wings. In this case, “bigger is better” has limits, and a balance between diameter sizes versus drag, speed potential, weight of leading edge material and internal bladder, etc., must all be taken into consideration. The MK3 leading edges taper to the wing tips for a perfect balance of power delivery, stability, twist, and speed. The center strut diameter has also been increased for stiffness and better control in higher winds and jumping. Draft depth has increased substantially and is further forward, providing more “locked-in” power and increased stability. Everyone, including heavier riders, will especially appreciate the immediate “sheet in and go” feel of the MK3, which provides improved low end and upwind performance, as well as strong wind stability and control. Some riders may find that they will now be able to use a wing that's one size smaller in the same wind conditions than they would have previously.
Handle count has been reduced, with repositioned handles in the right locations for maximum performance and comfort. New removable and adjustable Y-handles between the leading edge and strut provide added tune-ability to the wing. A neoprene pad under the front handle adds extra comfort when handling your
wing, or luffing while riding swells or waves.
The windows on the Wing-Surfer MK3 have been redesigned and repositioned to maximize functionality and safety while reducing their overall size. The new windows are narrower in width and placed further forward toward the leading edge of the wing and closer to the center strut — all but eliminating blind spots. The result is perfect visibility, reduced weight, and a smaller package when storing or transporting your wing. A new coil leash design with a smaller, lighter, and easier to secure wrist attachment is standard as is a new and improved carry bag and pump.
Finally, new internal reinforcements and advancements have been made in seam construction, especially in high load areas such as strut to leading edge connection and strut to canopy stress points — all contributing to a stronger and longer-lasting wing. Weight reduction was a factor in the design of the Wing-Surfer MK3, but there must be a balance between weight saving, functionality, and durability. The Wing-Surfer MK3 meets this challenge without compromise by perfectly providing a dynamic, responsive, powerful, and long-lasting wing that will suit first-timers equally as well as it will suit the aspiring professional…Session after session.
SIZES: 3 | 4 | 5
The Wing-Surfer Matador is compact, light, and powerful. It is designed for wing foilers that want to use the smallest wing possible for the prevailing wind conditions, with a focus on riding swells and waves.
The Matador has a deeper draft and larger diameter leading edge and strut than a comparably sized Wing-Surfer, with the power placed even further forward. The leading-edge taper is more pointed at the center and carries more dihedral across the wingspan. This all comes together to create a wing that drives upwind with ease, then flags in neutral with amazing stability and balance for riding waves, swells, and doing downwinders. With tons of sheet-in-and-go power, even heavier riders will find it easy to get up on their foil.
Once flagged into neutral on a wave or swell, the light and nimble airframe all but disappears like a bull fighter’s cape — allowing you to carve and glide with ease. Thus, the name “Matador.”
Unlike the all-around Wing-Surfer, the Matador is designed to be ridden mostly upwind then flagged downwind, so the windows are small and placed where an experienced rider needs them when riding windward, knowing that most of the time the wing will be flagged behind them with full visibility.
Larger/stiffer diameter leading edge and strut for a rigid overall structure
Deep locked in draft for instant power
Optimized dihedral for luffing and flagging
Optimized handle positions
Removable and adjustable y-handles
Neoprene “knuckle guard” under center grab handles
Inflated Structure - no hard surfaces or hardware
Packs up small
Drawstring bag with pump storage feature
A wing with power when needed and a sweet spot so generous it makes hard things easy. Maximum low-end to get you up on the foil earlier. Top-end performance that lets you exploit gusty conditions. Engineered to feel light in your hands, the 2023 Nova’s progressive swept outline and refined profile section makes it easier to handle and more stable when riding. Your front and back arm pressure is even, not backhand-heavy. The wingtip geometry and balanced dihedral also prevent oscillation side-to-side when gripping the front handle, riding downwind swell, surfing, or simply walking towards the water. The new draft-forward curvature in the profile section generates more lift in the front of the wing. This makes transitions smoother so you can glide through turns effortlessly, and when combined with improved canopy tensioning, boosts Nova’s low-end power. A stiffer, more responsive airframe means the canopy stays clean through a wider wind range. We’ve minimised flutter and created a clean trailing-edge release with reduced drag. Then, to ensure the wing remains stable and comfortable in overpowered conditions, we’ve tapered the leading-edge diameter, concentrating the stiffness in the LE centre and allowing the reflexed wingtips to dump excess power. Master of the upwind, glide through tacks, float through gybes, and lofty jumps with bonus hangtime. Whatever goal you’re chasing, the Nova will send you there faster.
Item includes:
Wing, Wing Leash, Bag, Compression Strap, Repair Kit
Stable balanced geometry
Maximum low-end power for instant up & go
Swept outline with pulled-in tips
Stiffer more responsive airframe
Cleaner canopy and TE tensioning
Load-bearing panel layout
Bigger wind range
Reduced overall weight
Lighter feel with uplift for effortless transitions
Tapered reflexed wingtips for top-end de-power
Depowered trailering stability
Wide-angle window positioning
Versatile and easy to use
Excellent loft and hangtime
Independent dual-inflation pressure for strut and LE
New N-HTRS High-Performance Canopy Material
Durable and lightweight Dacron LE/Strut material
Intuitive rigid GripLock handles (optional Carbon handles sold separately)
New comfort EVA knuckle guard under depower handle
New strategic STPU scuff protection
New lighter-weight bladder material reinforced in high-wear areas
Conceived with the latest technologies and featuring a revolutionary design, the STRIKE V3 is the ultimate performance wing. Whether it’s freeride, freestyle, surfing or freefly, this state-of-the-art wing can do it all. The STRIKE V3 delivers unparalleled performance while guaranteeing comfort, stability, power, precision, durability, and the ability to go upwind quickly and efficiently in any winds.
• Revolutionary design for unprecedented performance.
• New HITEX and TECHNOFORCE for increased durability.
• Perfect control of the profile and deformations to guarantee comfort throughout the entire wind range.
• Improved power delivery and planing.
• Impressive upwind performances.
• Legendary lightness and stability in freefly.
• Perfectly balanced center of traction for an intuitive ride.
Available in: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 m²
Ref. 77231-1001
The Cross is the consequent evolution of our previous wing model, featuring an outstandingly performing allround design. Easy and balanced handling is combined with reinforcements, multiple strap positions and a window to make wingfoiling more accessible to less experienced riders. Also, freestylers will appreciate the different strap positions together with the neutral handling in order to perform jumps and wing handling tricks in the water and on the land. Utilizing wind as your power source has never been as easy and enjoyable as with the Cross 2021.
Balanced and reactive, the new Nova Wing feels lighter in your hands. It generates more forward drive and upwind performance than anything you’ve ever ridden. At the heart of the Nova design is a super-stiff frame for power and efficiency, enabling instant take-offs and a massive wind range. Intuitive transitions. Comfortable ergonomic handling. For 2022 the Nova has a revised compact outline with shorter wingspan and less curve. This improves the power delivery, makes the wing easier to handle and reduces tip-strike. Improved tensioning and a deeper, more powerful profile boost low-end performance and contribute to the expanded wind range. Power delivery is progressive throughout the size range, with smooth and steady high-end stability in the 5m and under. The new rigid handle design with comfort grip enables more intuitive hand positioning, micro-trimming and more immediate control. Whether your focus is on the flow of freeride carving, riding open ocean waves or freestyle trickery, the Nova Wing will help you make the most your local conditions. Load up. Ride longer
New compact outline for balanced handling and reduced tip-strike
Strong upwind ability
New rigid GripLock microtrimming control handles for more immediate and direct adjustment
Expanded wind range for low-end performance and high-end stability
Extremely efficient power delivery and smooth
steady ride
6/7m lower aspect ratio and wingtip curvature improves tip-strike recovery
New 1.9m for lighter riders and skateboard sessions
GeoStrut exoskeleton for a stiffer frame with comfortable ergonomic geometry
New stiffer XL T-Joint - no wasted energy
Dual HyperFlow rapid inflation and 4-point bladder lock
Durable high performance Dacron frame and N-HTRS canopy for clean load distribution
LiteVision XS window panels for a safer riding experience
Kevlar strut connection with a tight and accurate fit
DuraLite STPU scuff protection on wing tips and seams
SUPERWING V3Effortless progression for all levels.
Superwing provides a very direct feel, thanks to its stiff structure and natural tensioned canopy, making it amazingly efficient.
The design’s objectives focused on stability, power and forward drive. This was achieved through a specific Arc shape for stability, a stiff frame for direct response and a wing that naturally flairs out in order to fly forward as soon as the wind flows through.
Our evolutive AR ensures that the Aspect ratio is specifically designed on each surface in order to provide the best handling for each size. Bigger sizes have lower AR for a shorter wing span and better low end power while smaller size have a slightly higher AR for more efficiency and for better high wind control.
The unique canopy seams construction provides an exceptional control of the profile, tension and stretch of the canopy: more stable, more efficient, more rigid, and with minimal deformation over time for a wing that you can trust session after session.
VENTIS D/LAB - kurz und bündig
Der Ventis D/LAB ist unsere neueste Innovation im Bereich des Leichtwind Wing Foilings! Mit maximalem Auftrieb und Power in einem reduzierten Wing Tip Design, fliegst du bereits bei der leichtesten Brise.
An der Leading Edge und den Struts kommt beim D/LAB Modell hochwertiges Aluula-Material zum Einsatz. In Kombination mit dem smarten 3-Strut Design sorgt dieses Material für einen leichten, steifen Rahmen, der bereits im untersten Windbereich unübertroffene Leistung bietet. Der Ventis D/LAB liefert leichten, reaktionsfreudigen und erstaunlichen Auftrieb, der dich auf das Foil zieht, ohne dass du übermäßig pumpen musst.
Der Ventis D/LAB bietet das Ultimum an Leichtwind Performance, mit unübertroffenem Gewicht, Reaktionsvermögen, Auftrieb und Leistung, was deine Sessions bei wenig Wind völlig verändern wird!
Aktiver Auftrieb und maximale Leistung bei leichtem Wind
Stabile Zugposition und sanfte Reaktion in Böen
Effektive Tip-Reduktion für einfache Starts und minimales Eintauchen der Tips
Komfortables und ergonomisches Handling
Leicht, neutral und einfach zu fahren
Aluula Leading Edge und Struts
Reduziertes Tip Design
Power Profile-Struts
Verlängerte Carbon Front Handle
Ergonomisches Strut Profil
Kategorie: Lightwind / Freeride Sizes: 7.0 / 8.0
SIZES: 2M / 2.5M / 3M / 3.5M / 4M / 4.5M / 5M / 6M / 7M
If there is one wing that has helped shape and define the sport, it’s the Mantis.
Now in its 3rd generation the wing which set the benchmark for stability and rigidity has been further refined to maximize the true potential of wing foiling.
Increased convex dihedral has helped expand the range of the Mantis by providing an increased power to stability ratio, combined with the new Convex Strut the Mantis V3 is the cleanest and most efficient wing to date. A refined air foil section in the critical area of the wing has helped increase the low end power of the Mantis, further increasing its range of use.
NEW: Refined lightweight canopy design for reduced weight and reactive performance
High Tenacity dacron for enhanced dihedral stability and improved handling characteristics
HD large diameter UHMPWE reinforced closing seam construction
Nano Ripstop Canopy, the benchmark in durability, stability and responsiveness
NEW: Sprint 3.0
NEW: Durable TPU bumpers
NEW: Handles - Fully moulded composite widespan handles
Hi-vis, Weather resistant, low elongation TPU window
Load path panel layout
High reactive front handle
High rigidity centre section stitching design
Lightweight TPU bladders
NEW: fine tuned size progressive wing tip twist for forgiving sheeting
NEW: Increased convex dihedral for power-to-stability ratio
NEW: refined airfoil centre section for low end power
NEW: Convex strut for added rigidity
NEW: Dump valve for fast deflate
SUPERWING XWinging redefined
SUPERWING X is the stiffest, strongest, most direct wing we've ever created. You will go faster, jump higher and sail further upwind than ever before.
SUPERWING X sets the standard for high performance wings.
Advanced riders will instantly notice how direct, stiff, responsive and stable the wing is. You'll jump higher, go faster, ride further upwind and experience minimal flutter when riding neutral. All with a noticeable increase in windrange.
X-PLY CANOPYThe stiffest, strongest, most direct wing you've ever flown
SUPERWING X came from designing wings for the past three years and coming to the conclusion that if we wanted higher performance, we needed to use higher performance material.
We started working with the leading X-PLY manufacturer to create a thinner, lighter and more ductile X-PLY material specifically designed for SUPERWING X.
The X-PLY is stiffer, stronger and has virtually no stretch compared to conventional canopy material. This provides a ride like you’ve never experienced before when winging. The whole platform is much stiffer with barely any flutter even when the wing is flown at neutral making it the most stable and silent ride you’ll ever experience.
Winging will never be the same
Designer NotesBy Damien Girardin
'Designing SUPERWING X using X-PLY felt like a dream. The amazing stiffness of the material means that we can finally ride a wing that is extremely close to the intended 3d design.'
The Triax weave allows me to adjust my panel layout in order to tackle exactly how the efforts are spreading throughout the wing. My goal in the past year with wings has been to gain efficiency, control, stability and reduce flutter as much as possible. I really find it wrong to have a wing looking like a flag in the air every time you de-power or when you fly in neutral. Using regular polyester canopy, I worked on adding more and more tensioning seams on my designs and the wings have become a lot better, but I could still not eliminate flutter 100%. Also you can still feel the profile deformation when you ride.
So a stiffer material like X-ply was the natural evolution. I first used existing windsurfing X-PLY, but they were way too heavy and the weight totally outweighed the benefits. So I worked with our manufacturer to use the 1mil technology that they were using on some of their high performance sailboats, and combined with the Triax X-PLY that would allow me total control of load spreading. I am so excited about the result that I can not wait anymore to share this design with the world!
High lift, ultra efficient wing. Dramatically increased range and power, allowing you to use a far smaller wing than is typical in each set of conditions.
High Lift Coefficient Concept
Due to the highly refined LE geometry and entry shaping, each wing produces the maximum thrust (power and acceleration) for its size. This dramatically increases the range, allowing riders to use a smaller wing than is typical in each set of conditions. The result is easier handling and greater maneuverability.
Modified delta Planform
This creates a more efficient LE shape and an elliptical spanwise lift distribution for better upwind performance and control.
Dihedral Front Profile
The dihedral angle allows higher aspect ratios due to increased wingtip clearance. It also makes the wing very roll stable, especially when flagging.
Low Drag Wingtips with Linear Washout
The small LE diameter at the wingtips reduces drag and allows dynamic twist. This improves low end acceleration during pumping as well as control when powered up.
Vented Strut
The large opening between the LE and the front of the fill panel (which connects the canopy to the strut) allows the pressure to equalize across the two sides of the wing. This improves overall performance and makes the wing even more stable.
SIZES: 2.0 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 5.5 | 6.0 | 7.0
The Wing-Surfer ADX is the culmination of five years of research and development, resulting in a wing that caters to all skill levels and riding styles. The perfect balance of wingspan, strut length, draft depth, and dihedral make the ADX a revolutionary wing in our product lineup. The high-tension canopy, combined with the shallow wing profile, provides power on demand. This design profile produces incredible get-up-and-go functionality, lifting even heavy riders onto the foil with ease and maintaining steadily balanced power once riding. The lightweight yet robust T-Bone construction provides stiffness and strength in the wing's center while allowing the wingtips to twist properly. The 50D Nano ripstop canopy is low-stretch and tear-resistant, ensuring the ADX can handle even the most intense conditions. The ADX puts strength where you need it, with everything else remaining light. The result is a wing that lives up to its name, The Wing-surfer Aero-Dynamic-Xperience, a wing that you will enjoy session after session.
High Aspect Geometry
A wider wingspan gives maximum power efficiency
Hybrid T-Bone Leading Edge Construction
The T- stringer construction stiffens the wing structure and increases efficiency
High V Dihedral Inflated Structure
Increased dihedral provides optimized riding balance
Ergonomic Curved Strut
Optimized for hand position, making it easier to sheet in
Rigid Handle Design
Aluminum drop shape handle design gives maximum efficiency and control
Optimized Window Design
The multi-window design provides visibility where it is needed most
Maximum Pumping Efficiency
The direct feel of the wing translates into optimized pumping efficiency
Optimized Draft Stability
The locked-in draft of the wing gives a wide wind range
Optimized Power Delivery
Provides ultimate low-end power and is highly responsive
Optimized Canopy Tension
Increases power delivery and provides a direct feel
50D Nano Ripstop Canopy
Low-stretch and tear-resistant
Leading Edge Center Grab Handle
With Rubber Inlay Grip Stripes for comfort & Neoprene Patch protects the hand when flagging the wing on a downwinder or while wave riding
Leading Edge Anti-Abrasion Patches
Abrasion resistance & durability
Molded mini-battens stabilize the trailing edge
Bladder Lock
Secures bladder ends & prevents slippage
One-Point Inflation System
with streamlined SureLock valve, 8mm Hose for easy inflation and added Strut Dump Valve for quick deflation
HT Plus Seam
This high-tensile thread fortifies the leading edge along the seam
Coil-Wrist Leash INCLUDED
Comfortable & secure wing-to-rider connection
Integrated Vent System
Allows the wing to dry while in the bag
Shoulder Straps with Foil Carry Protection
Carry your foil on your shoulder using the wing bag shoulder protection feature
Easy Zippered Access
Allows for easy access and transport
Integrated Pump Storage
Easily transport all gear in one bag
Unique Bridge-Boom for precise control.
Windows for improved visibility.
Easy and quick. No hassle setup with one pump system and folding boom.
Wide wind range due to rigid frame, flat profile and high canopy Tension.
The most special feature of the VVING V2 is the Bridge-Boom strut system. A foldable boom, which requires no additional tools and is automatically brought into position when inflated. The Bridge-Boom provides a wide range of hand positions enabling intuitive transitions and precise direct control while trimming the wing.Over or underpowered, the VVING handles any gust and generates considerable forward speed. Being balanced and reactive with sweep and dihedral, the VVING is very tow friendly when riding waves. Whether your focus is riding open ocean waves, carving or freestyle tricks, the VVING does it all.
Windows for improved visibility.
Marked handles for easier hand positioning.
RIGID STRUT FRAME DESIGN with high canopy tension for exceptional windrange, upwind performance, speed and air-time.
Single point inflation system with large diameter inlet/outlet hose for rapid inflation and deflation. Bayonet style inflation valve compatible with most pumps. No adapter needed.
Two middle strut Inflation hoses on each side of the middle strut provide a high rate of airflow for quicker setup and deflation. The two connections also hold the bladder in place preventing failure when inflating.
412,00 €*
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