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SUPERMODEL excels in every discipline. With consistent power through turns and precise control, it’s the easiest and most intuitive do-it-all kite in the skies. Any discipline, all conditions: SUPERMODEL DOES IT.What’s new SUPERMODEL has gotten massive upgrades. We’ve put it on a diet, shaving off up to an incredible 550 grams, completely reworked the bridles from an 8-point to a 12-point system, and we’re introducing HTF2. We’ve taken SUPERMODEL to an entirely new level once again.Key pointsWeight reduction
By reducing the total weight up to 15% compared to last year’s SUPERMODEL, flight characteristics have drastically increased. The 9m is now 450 grams lighter! Increased responsiveness, higher jumps, better low-end, faster loops, the benefits are endless.All new bridlesMaking the platform even more solid in all conditions was our goal. By adding 4 attachment points, we’ve created a kite not only more stable in nuking winds, the overall feeling of stiffness, responsiveness, and stability is instantly noticeable.HTF 2The introduction of Hybrid Torsion Frame is a major success, and further development and hours of testing and analysing led us to greatly improve the implementation. New strut material and an added FLEXLITE segment make it respond even faster and turn faster and smoother.A kite looping dreamOverall work on canopy tension, seams, and trailing edge materials have resulted in significantly less chance of canopy flutter when aggressively looping, which could potentially slow down the kite. SUPERMODEL loops smoothly while accelerating through the turn, for the most confident catches. All conditions, any disciplineSUPERMODEL will always stay true to what our riders love about it, being the ultimate do-it-all kite. Whether you’re new to a Reedin kite, or upgrading, you will feel right at home and ready for anything you want to throw at it. Easy to rideWe all want to have the most fun possible when riding. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, your kite should be easy to ride, giving bar feedback to always feel where the kite is, so you can focus on your riding. SUPERMODEL is like an extension of your body.
Freeride, Touring, Progression
Single-Skin Foil Kite
Beginner - Expert
2.5 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 11 / 13
DEMO Kites
Können leichte gebrauchsspuren aufweisen.
In diesem Single-Skin-Konzept steckt unsere Leidenschaft für Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Sicherheit, die dein Outdoor-Kite-Erlebnis unvergesslich machen wird. Bestes Leichtwind-Handling und Backstall-Widerstand lassen dich mit Leichtigkeit losfahren. Sei dank der zuverlässigen Depower und dem B-Safe-System immer auf Notfälle vorbereitet. Nutze das System auch zur Selbstlandung oder mach nach dessen Aktivierung jederzeit eine entspannte Pause. Das Packmaß lässt dich mehrere Kites in deinem Rucksack mittragen, um auf plötzliche Wetteränderungen schnell zu reagieren. Dieser schnelldrehende, ultraleichte und kraftvolle Kite bietet einen unvergleichlichen Einsatzbereich. Wähle es als Ansporn, mutige Entscheidungen im Leben zu treffen und stürze dich in dein nächstes Abenteuer!
TX-Light Single Skin Concept
Das Single Skin Konzept verfügt über auftriebsstarke Profile, hohe Sicherheit und sehr effiziente Depower. Das reduzierte Gewicht bringt Vorteile in den Punkten, Stabilität, Drift und Leichtwind-Handling. Single Skins erlauben den Einsatz von Raff-Safety Systemen und absorbieren harte Aufschläge. Die hervorragende Langlebigkeit ist nicht nur Konzept bedingt, sondern auch von der Materialwahl geprägt. Sehr gute Alterungsbeständigkeit, hohe Reißfestigkeit, zusätzliche Rip Stop Fäden und enorme Steifigkeit bei nur 33g/m² machen das TX-Light zum perfekten Segel. Im Innenraum ermöglicht das TX-Light Hardfinish Tuch vermehrt den Einsatz von Crossports. Die Vorderkante besteht aus 44g/m² DLX+ Tuch welches vor Abrieb und scharfkantigen Gegenständen schützt. Jedes Tuch ist auf dessen Einsatz optimiert, von UV-resistenten Oberflächen, luftundurchlässigen Beschichtungen bis hin zu absorbierenden Eigenschaften um die Luftströmung im feuchten Zustand zu verbessern.
Hybrid Wingtip Technology
DIe Hybrid Wingtip Technology besteht aus zwei selbstaufblasenden Zellen auf jeder Seite des Kites. Die Öffnungen sind mit Netzmaterial geschützt, um das Eindringen von Schnee oder Schmutz zu verhindern. Beide Flügelenden verfügen über unser bewährtes Drainagesystem. Die effizientere Aerodynamik ermöglicht engeres Drehen mit konstantem Zug ohne in den Backstall überzugehen. Dadurch flattert die Wingtip nur beim Depowern des Kites und das Bar-Feedback wird deutlich verbessert. Der Kite fühlt sich sportlich an und gibt dir ein vertrauenerweckendes Gefühl.
B-Safe System
Das B-Safe-System ist eine Leinenkonfiguration, die durch Ösen entlang der B-Ebene gleitet. Nach Aktivierung des Quick Release fährt die Control Bar 4 m auf der 5. Leine nach oben. Der Kite wird in der Mitte horizontal gerefft und reduziert die Flügelfläche auf ein Minimum. Der Kite senkt sich sanft ab und weht ohne Kraft aus. Nach dem Reaktivieren des Quick Release kann der Kite durch die Powerzone gestartet werden. Das B-Safe System eignet sich hervorragend zur Selbstlandung oder um Pausen zu machen.
Camber Trim System
Die einzelnen Ebenen des Kites werden vom Mixer, einem Flaschenzugsystem mit Umlenkrollen angesteuert, welches den Anstellwinkel und die Profilkrümmung beeinflusst. Der Mixer verfügt über das aus zwei Ringen bestehende Camber Trim System. Durch das Verschieben der Ringe verändert man das Verhältnis der B- bzw. C-Ebene zur A-Ebene. Das Profil des Foil Kites kann entweder flach oder gewölbt getrimmt werden.
Product info
Das Driftwunder ist eine echte Bereicherung für jeden Kiter und steht für das ultimative Freiheitsgefühl. Der leichteste FLYSURFER Kite ist die erste Wahl von erfahrenen Wintersportlern und ein echter Mehrwert für Kitelehrer. Die Besonderheiten des Single-Skin Konzept machen ihn zur Geheimwaffe für begeisterte Hydrofoiler. Die fünfte Generation des PEAK's überzeugt durch: Hervorragendes Handling Beeindruckende Stabilität Effiziente Depower Satter Grundzug Höchste Sicherheit Geringstes Gewicht und Packmaß Hohe Stall Resistenz Simples Starten und Landen Entwickelt für waagemutige Expeditionen, entdeckt von ambitionierten Freeridern und perfekt geeignet für jeden Einsteiger. Erklimme jeden Berg... dein nächstes Abenteuer erwartet dich!
Scope of delivery
Set of B-Safe Top Lines
Repair Kit
Kite Safety Guide
Was ist neu?
PEAK5 + Langlebigkeit + Handling + Bar Feedback + Grundzug + Gewichtsreduktion + Einsatzbereich
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem X-Light Tuch des PEAK4 und dem TX-Light Tuch des PEAK5?
Folgende Attribute haben sich verändert: erhöhte Reißfestigkeit, verbesserte Diagonalsteifigkeit, 3-fach RipStop, Soft- und Hardfinish Beschichtungen, 33g/m².
Was bringt TX-Tuch für einen Vorteil im Bargefühl?
Beim Single Skin wirken sich die Vorteile des TX-Light nicht aufs Bar Gefühl aus.
Hat sich das Sicherheitssystem geändert?
Das B-Safe System hat sich bewährt und wurde zum Vorgänger nicht verändert.
Kann ich die CONNECT1 Control Bar mit dem PEAK5 verwenden?
Ja, die FLYSURFER CONNECT1 und CONNECT2 Control Bars sind die empfohlenen Produkte, um einen PEAK5 zu fliegen. Beide Control Bars unterstützen das B-Safe-System vollständig.
Kann ich sehr kurze Flugleinen ohne Sicherheitssystemeinschränkungen an meinen PEAK5 hängen?
Ja, du kannst sehr kurze Flugleinen ohne Einschränkungen des Sicherheitssystems am PEAK5 befestigen. Wir haben dieses Produkt an 14 m und 21 m Flugleinen entwickelt und getestet. Die Verwendung von maßgefertigten Leinen und Flugleinenlängen wird nicht empfohlen und kann zu Fehlfunktionen führen.
Können ich eine 4-Leinen Control Bar mit Single Frontline-Sicherheitssystem am PEAK5 anbringen?
Ja der PEAK kann mit Single Frontline Safety geflogen werden. Die 4-Leinen Control Bar muss gleichlange Flugleinen aufweisen und mindestens über 3 m Auslöseweg verfügen.
Wie viel wiegt der PEAK5 im Vergleich zum PEAK4?
Der Unterschied ist marginal, aber der PEAK5 hat aufgrund des TX-Light-Tuchs und des reduzierten Flatterns eine überlegene Langlebigkeit. In Zahlen ist der PEAK5 0,11 kg leichter.
Was ist der Mixer?
Der Mixer ist ein Flaschenzug-System welches die Ebenen eines Foil Kites mit unterschiedlichen Verhältnissen ansteuert. Oberhalb der integrierten Umlenkrollen befinden sich das Camber Trim System zum Dichtnehmen oder Öffnen der Ebenen. Unterhalb sind die Front- und Backmain Leinen angebracht, die mit den Flugleinen der Control Bar verbunden werden.
Was ändert das Camber Trim System?
Das Camber Trim System verändert den Anstellwinkel und den Profilsturz. Das Verschieben der Ringe ändert die Beziehung zwischen dem B- oder C-Pegel relativ zum A-Pegel. Das Profil des Foil-Kites kann entweder flach oder gebogen getrimmt werden.
Mein PEAK hat Backstall, was kann ich tun?
Das Trim-Prozedere fängt immer mit dem Bar Setup Check an. Alle vier Flugleinen müssen bei voll angezogener Control Bar gleich lang sein oder auf das selbe Niveau gebracht werden. Nach erfolgreichem Bar Setup Check, können die C- und B-Ebene des SOULs mit dem Camber Trim System geöffnet werden. Schiebe die Metallringe des Camber Trim Systems in Richtung Bar.
Mein PEAK hat Frontstall-Tendenz, was kann ich tun?
Das Trim-Prozedere fängt immer mit dem Bar Setup Check an. Alle vier Flugleinen müssen bei voll angezogener Control Bar gleich lang sein oder auf das selbe Niveau gebracht werden. Nach erfolgreichem Bar Setup Check, können die C- und B-Ebene des SOULs mit dem Camber Trim System dichtgenommen werden. Schiebe die Metallringe des Camber Trim Systems in Richtung Kite.
Kann ich den PEAK selbst landen?
Der PEAK5 kann mit Hilfe des B-Safe Systems oder dem Add On Produkt Snowkite Breakline der CONNECT2 Control Bar, selbst gelandet werden.
Geht der PEAK unter, sobald er im Wasser liegt?
Es ist unvermeidlich, dass der Kite leicht unter die Wasseroberfläche sinkt. Je nach Umständen kann der PEAK für kurze Zeit im Wasser liegen und dann neu gestartet werden.
SIZES: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 14
The longest running and most successful kite in the industry is back for it’s 17th year, and what a year it is. The kite that spawned not only a style of riding but also a whole generation of kiters has evolved into the highest performing Switchblade to date.
Taking the known Switchblade DNA, the creatives in the Design Works team have evolved this 5 strut design through use of new technologies, construction techniques and internal adjustments, to give a more playful, lighter feeling kite, while still remaining predictable and stable. This Lite Series kite utilizes the HTD Lite materials which make this the lightest Switchblade to date. Combined with the Integrated Structural Canopy (ISC) we have been able to greatly reduce the weight of the kite while increasing longevity and improving steering speed.
5 Strut, Hybrid design, Fusion wing tip shape, Draft forward profile, Hybrid strut.
NEW: HTD Lite: Lightweight ultra rigid dacron
NEW: Switchblade DNA, cutting edge handling and performance
NEW: Revised aerodynamic profiles and design
NEW: Lighter and more playful control response
NEW: Bi-directional pure profile panels
Ultralite bladders for an overall lighter weight kite
Trailing edge EVA rigidity battens
Nano Ripstop Canopy: Durability, stability and responsiveness
Sprint 3.0
Durable TPU leading edge bumper
The Prolimit Mercury Free zip Sunset shorty for men is created to give you a maximum of sun protection during those afternoon sessions. The neoprene of this shorty is 3mm thick and the wetsuit has long arms and short legs, which offers the perfect combination of warmth and chill. This suit has a zipper at the front that opens up completely for easier access.
GBS (triple glued and blind-stitched)
Neolight heather 550+ Duotone 550+ limestone neoprene
YKK Free zip construction
Velvet Quick dry lining
Aqua Alpha Waterbased Glue
For Sizechart click here
The all-new CAB HELMET is the ultimate in lightweight protection and style. Its non-water absorbing construction and air-vent system helps to wick away moisture while keeping you cool. Removable ear protectors give you a complete range of protection while the easy-adjust chin strap allows for a quick and simple fit. The Cab Helmet is fully certified for Watersports use to CE EN 1385 to make certain of a safe and comfortable ride.- - -CE approved EN 1385Ultra light non-water absorbent constructionImpact resistant ABS outer shellImpact absorption soft EVA liningAir-vent systemEasy-adjust chin strapsTwist tightening systemRemovable EVA ear protectors
Every session begins with inflating your kite or wing. The all new Cabrinha pump helps turn this chore into a fun activity. Incorporating newly designed ergonomic handles, which help reduce fatigue when pumping up larger kites/wings, but also help increase pump response and performance on any sized product, as well as a high pressure Single Action switch, you will be out on the water in no time, or even offering to also pump up your friends wind weapons of choice.Features:- - -Standard or XL Sizing‘Pump Fast’ ergonomic handlesDouble/Single Action Flip switchLeash TetherTwist Connect Hose- - -StandardXL
Maybe the most fun board you have ever ridden, the Flare will light up any session. The wide point forward on the board helps get you up and going and keeps things fun and fresh whether riding waves or taking to the air. The fish tail and quad fin set up give you the forward drive you need to get from section to section, but still be loose and fun when turning off the top. The flare turns every wave into a playground, and changes the way you look at the ocean.
Wide point forward, moderate rocker, thin rails, fish tail and quad fin setup.
NEW: IsoFlex - Lightweight fiberglass sandwich construction with PVC deck reinforcement.CNC machined High density EPS core for a precise shape and superior flex characteristicsThinned out rail flow with smooth tuck-line transition for improved carving and controlSingle concave bottom for a predictable and forgiving rideWide point forward and straight tail, for efficient control and driveModerate rocker line for all round performanceIncludes: Full Dakine Modular EVA pad and molded quad fin setup.
The evolution of strapless riding is hitting all new highs. The Big Air resurgence in kiting has paved a way for a new generation of strapless riding. Riders are pushing the boundaries and throwing moves that not only challenge what was thought possible on surfboards, but also that seems to defy the laws of physics.The Method is the board for this new generation and beyond. The square outline and fast rocker line help keep on track and ready for the next trick. The wide tail and tail channel help when loading up ready for take off. With progressive volume distribution through out the board, you can touch down with ease and get ready for the next wave or aerial trick.
WA narrow yet curvy outline, fast rocker line and a thruster setup.
NEW: IsoFlex - Lightweight fiberglass sandwich construction with PVC deck reinforcement.CNC machined High density EPS core for a precise shape and superior flex characteristicsNEW: refined and thinned out rail flow for improved grip/pop and turningNEW: tail channel to single concave for improved grip when loading into tricksNEW: Square nose outline for a stable ride and balanced takeoffNEW: fast rocker line to allow for excess speed when loading upIncludes: Includes full Dakine Modular EVA pad and molded thruster fin setup.
Speed, Power, Flow. Three words that have become synonymous with wave riding over the years. A very rare few are born with a natural ability to make this happen with ease. Others need to make sure they are on the correct craft to really exploit the oceanic mountains they choose to ride.The Phantom is the next generation of high performance kite surf boards. Specifically designed for the forces of kiting, the Phantom really comes into it’s own in real surf conditions. The curvy outline and rounded pin tail give you the confidence required to crop into that bottom turn, or carve off the lip. The IsoFlex construction also allows for increased grip and drive during those critical turns.4 fin or Thruster, you can choose your style of riding between full power carves, or critical vertical hits.
Round pin tail, lean and curved outline, progressive rocker and 5 fin setup.
NEW: IsoFlex - Lightweight fiberglass sandwich construction with PVC deck reinforcement.CNC machined High density EPS core for a precise shape and superior flex characteristicsThinned out rail flow with smooth tuck-line transition for improved carving and controlDeep single concave for ultimate grip and controlround pin, wide point centered for a well balanced board that promotes control in top to bottom surfingProgressive rocker line for ultimate drive and turning in critical sectionsIncludes: full Dakine Modular EVA pad and molded thruster fin setup.
The all-new Hollow Mast system is yet another example of the state of the art foil program from Cab Design Works. It nods to the critical & complete design approach of the team to view every foil component individually with a view to improve stiffness across the entire platform. It implements a bladder molded construction with strategic layering of carbon as far to the outside as possible. This culminates in our stiffest ever mast to front wing connection. This reduction in flex eliminates any lag in the turn and transfers energy while pumping seamlessly through to the front wing.
Superior Torsional and bend rigidity.Low weight and minimum drag.
Optimized airfoil for low drag to stiffness ratioTE scallop for improved turning and efficiencyIntegrated high modulus mounting plateBladder molded, hollow mast construction for superior skin compression, providing ultimate rigidityPremium high modulus prepreg carbon fiber constructionBarrel Nut compatible(x-series MkII and H-series MKII)Tapered Fit
When we introduced the X-Series wings, we took Cabrinha’s foil program to a whole new level. Through working alongside SINTEF and the University of Norway where we were able to fully breakdown and simulate hydrofoil performance in the world's largest cavitation tank. From this we have been able to further evolve the X-Series into the industry’s leading all round hydrofoil. Early lift, but with a high top speed has been achieved, and through refined tip shape and profile, you are able to break the tips free, but still be ready to carve into your next turn.Set includes:Front wing, wing covers.
Swept LE, Straight TE, Ultra lean efficient profile, moderate anhedral.
Loose and agile All round lean profileRefined tip shapeTapered fitTorsional StiffnessMedium ARPMI corePre Preg constructionModular
One of the biggest effects on hydrofoil performance comes from the stabilizers. In a sport that is so diverse in its attributes and styles of riding, you need to have the right product to help you get the maximum performance from your system. Introducing the new V-Series Stabilisers. V represents versatility, and through the modular Fusion system, you are able to custom tailor your ride. Add a V-Series Stabiliser to any of the Cabrinha Fusion foils and get ready for the next step in performance & usability.Set Includes:Stabilizer, wing covers, 2pcs m6 ss316 torx Ti coated screws, (rear fuselage not included)Swept outline, ultra lean efficient profile and moderate anhedral
Optimal efficiency and maneuverabilityFlat center, to downward tips, for perfect balance between locked-in feel and agilitySingle molded components for minimal dragFull prepreg carbon constructionPMI core for superior strength to weight ratio
The Fusion Alloy mast is constructed from extruded aircraft grade aluminum that result in an incredibly rigid & hydrodynamic structure. Helicoil inserts eliminate salt water corrosion around the screw connection points. It seamlessly integrates into all 9cm industry standard foil boxes.
Durability, longevity and unmatched stiffness in an alloy setup.
Choice of fixed top plate or FQR (Foil Quick Release)3-screw connection for superior rigidityAircraft grade extruded, anodized 6061-T6 aluminumPrecision tapered fuse-to-mast connection for optimal rigidityHelicoil inserts minimizes corrosion and provides long lasting durability
Just when you thought a product couldn’t get better, the new H-Series MkII pushes into the future of foil design and sets a new benchmark for efficiency and performance. The design team have implemented new technology learnt from the collaboration with Sintef. Water testing in the biggest tank in Europe has refined the H-series tip shape to allow the tips to breach and re-enter without cavitation. This allows more progressive riding and radical turns, be it with a kite, wing or prone. The new leaner profile now boasts an increased speed range which helps entry into freestyle tricks or on the race field. It seamlessly pairs with any of Cabrinha’s V-series stabs and is part of the modular Cab Fusion system. Set includes:Wing cover, 2 x m6x30mm, 1 x m6x15mm, m6 barrel nut, screws.
High aspect ratio, swept outline, Ultra lean efficient profile, moderate anhedral with flared tips.
Ultra Efficient DesignUltra Lean ProfileRefined Tip Shape.Tapered FitIncreased Torsional StiffnessHigh Aspect RatioBarrel Nut Secure ConnectionPre Preg Carbon ConstructionModular Design to work with Cab Fusion Products
One of the smallest but most critical parts of the foil system is the Fuselage. Often overlooked, the Fuselage allows you to truly custom tune your setup based not only on the conditions but also the sport you do. The new Hollow fuselage maintains the same stiffness of the previous version, but in a lightweight structure, giving you increased range and earlier take off and control.
Light, stiff and durable.
NEW hollow fuselage for lightweight performanceNEW insulated mounting surfaces for Improved durability and longevityHelicoils for superior durability and eliminating corrosion3 sizes to tune your ride.
Wenn Sonnencreme gegen die pralle Sonne nicht ausreicht, kommt der Fisherman ins Spiel. Dieser schnell trocknende und verstellbare Hut kann sich im und außerhalb des Wassers sehen lassen. Der zusätzliche Kinnriemen sorgt dafür, dass der Hut an Ort und Stelle bleibt und dir beim Rippen nicht in die Quere kommt.
FeaturesChin strapAdjustable fit with pull cordMystic embroidery at frontMaterialienPolyester (92%)Spandex (8%)Quickdry
Prone foiling has been around since the onset of people riding modern day hydrofoils. In it’s inception the challenge to get up and riding was so high, as we just didn’t know how to do it, or how to foil. The foiling barrier has been broken down now, and with the right equipment and the right board, the world of prone foiling is open to everyone.With two distinct shapes the Bump range covers everyone from pure beginner to seasoned pro.Grab a board, pair it with your favorite foil and open the doors to a whole other way to maximize your water time.
Round pin, nose-entry-V to planing surface, fast rocker, high rail-chine, concave deck.
Progressive outline for increased efficiencyNose-entry-V into planing surface for efficient glide and take-offPulled in kick tail with high-chine rail flow for efficiency, earlier flight and on-foil carving clearanceRecessed concave desk for more positive feedbackSmall size: for high performance surfing and maximum maneuverability Large size: easy paddling, take-off and forgiving touchdowns, for all conditionsFull custom high-grip EVA deck padPVC reinforced deckDouble pvc/glass stringersCarbon hybrid construction - reactive, lightweightEPS core, light weight & buoyantReusable Flexi-hex packageIncludes: 4pcs m8x30mm mounting bolts, NEW: 2pcs Lockable t-nut assembly
X-Series MKII 700 Wing - V Series 180 Stabilizer - 346mm Fuselage
When we introduced the X-Series wings, we took Cabrinha’s foil program to a whole new level. Through working alongside SINTEF and the University of Norway where we were able to fully breakdown and simulate hydrofoil performance in the world's largest cavitation tank. From this we have been able to further evolve the X-Series into the industry’s leading all round hydrofoil. Early lift, but with a high top speed has been achieved, and through refined tip shape and profile, you are able to break the tips free, but still be ready to carve into your next turn.The Fusion X-Series Kits come with everything you need, you just need to add your mast of choice. (Masts sold separately)INCLUDED IN KITWing & StabilizerFusion Fuselage Alloy MediumTrack Nut Train X2Screw Set Foam Core Boards
Swept LE, Straight TE, Ultra lean efficient profile, moderate anhedral.
WING FEATURES:Loose and agile All round lean profileRefined tip shapeTapered fitTorsional StiffnessMedium ARPMI corePre Preg constructionModularSTABILIZER FEATURES:Optimal efficiency and maneuverabilityFlat center, to downward tips, for perfect balance between locked-in feel and agilitySingle molded components for minimal dragFull prepreg carbon constructionPMI core for superior strength to weight ratioFUSELAGE FEATURESNEW insulated mounting surfaces for Improved durability and longevityHelicoils for superior durability and eliminating corrosion
Just when you thought a product couldn’t get better, the new H-Series MkII range pushes into the future of foil design and sets a new benchmark for efficiency and performance. The design team have implemented new technology learnt from the collaboration with Sintef. Water testing in the biggest tank in Europe has refined the H-series tip shape to allow the tips to breach and re-enter without cavitation. This allows more progressive riding and radical turns, be it with a kite, wing or prone. The new leaner profiles now boast an increased speed range which helps entry into freestyle tricks or on the race field. The Wings seamlessly pair with any of Cabrinha’s V-series stabilizers and are part of the modular Cab Fusion system. The Fusion H-Series Kits come with everything you need, you just need to add your mast of choice. (Masts sold separately)INCLUDED IN KITWing / Stabilizer / Fuselage / Screw Set / T-nut Train / Torx Tool
High aspect ratio, swept outline, Ultra lean efficient profile, moderate anhedral with flared tips.
WING FEATURES:Ultra Efficient DesignUltra Lean ProfileRefined Tip ShapeTapered FitIncreased Torsional StiffnessHigh Aspect RatioBarrel Nut Secure ConnectionPre Preg Carbon ConstructionModular Design to work with Cab Fusion ProductsSTABILIZER FEATURES:Optimal efficiency and maneuverabilityFlat center, to downward tips, for perfect balance between locked-in feel and agilitySingle molded components for minimal dragFull prepreg carbon constructionPMI core for superior strength to weight ratio FUSELAGE FEATURES:NEW hollow fuselage for lightweight performanceNEW insulated mounting surfaces for Improved durability and longevityHelicoils for superior durability and eliminating corrosion
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